Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our First Gift

Have you ever gone into someone's home to find piles of newspapers, mail and clothes and think this person has a problem? Perhaps you've driven through a neighborhood and noticed one home that doesn't look as well kept as the others and immediately thought poorly of those who live there. Why don't some people notice the disarray around them and willingly live in an unkempt space? It's not our place to judge these individuals. Instead try to place yourself in their shoes. That's just what we did this weekend. A neighbor whom I had never met was in such a situation. I had heard of this neighbor through another neighbor and while strolling one day through the neighborhood noticed she was in need of some help. I called her to introduce myself and offer some yard work but was met with disbelief. Her concern was "What's the catch?"

It's not our purpose to point out people's mistakes or bad luck but to lift them up with their dignity intact. She reluctantly agreed to allow us to come over on Saturday and spruce up her yard. So it began. Our new journey of actively seeking out the opportunity to be the loving hands of Christ by helping each other in times of need. Not only did she appreciated the labor of love we were doing for her but the small gesture of giving home grown tomatoes were also well received. We had the opportunity to share a conversation, create a new outdoor space for her to enjoy and, most importantly, let someone know we cared.

How are you going to let someone know you care this week?


  1. Way to go! Inspires me to go outside my box! Thank you..

  2. I am inspired. Not only by the landscaping work - but also by your true love.

  3. I'm so impressed that you've begun this ministry, and that you are so public about it. Blessings to you!
    Kate Hodel

  4. Thanks for being an example of being the hands & feet of Jesus! This is what its all about...
