Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Trash Talk

  • The Missouri Department of Transportation spends $5.8 million annually to clean litter from Missouri highways, money that would be better spent improving Missouri roads.
  • Adopt-A-Highway volunteers provide another $1 million worth of litter pickup every year

This past Saturday of group of volunteers from Ryan Lawn and Tree did their quarterly task of ridding a mile stretch of 152 highway near the Hampton exit of trash deposited by passersby. The job which generally took 2 hours to do was spread out to 4 hours due to the sheer volume of trash found during the first pick up of the year.

It was an eye opening and back breaking event. We found humor yet concern regarding some of the items we found. We couldn't help but notice an unbelievable amount of liquor bottles of all types and sizes along the on and off ramps of Hampton. This caused concern in regards of the number of drivers entering or getting off the highway while consuming alcohol. Among the trash we found a common item or two that happens to make up 33% of highway trash according to MODOT. Fast food waste--especially Quik Trip. We also found our share of dead carcasses, packaging material, chewing tobacco cans, car parts and even bank and gift cards. (By the way we didn't touch the carcasses.) When all was done it was estimated that we picked up nearly 50 bags of trash.

While picking up the trash we couldn't help but feel resentment towards the inconsiderate and careless behavior of those who contributed to the mess. Adopt a highway is nationwide and depends on individuals like you and me to do our part.

Start small. Take an empty bag with you when you go for a walk or ride the trails. Volunteer for a stream clean team. Events are held nationwide throughout many metro areas which support creek and river bank clean up.

The bottom line is: what are you doing to keep our world beautiful?